Apps that I’ve made professionally including the logos.


Worked with an NGO for developing an app that could send SMS to multiple people regarding their ward and different activities the school conducts from time to time. Its a private repo since the project included some confidential files so if you are willing to look at the code, e-mail me I’ll add you as a collaborator. Uses: Android Architecture components- Room, LiveData and ViewModels.


Worked for a startup called Mekvahan based in delhi. Helped in developing, debugging and publishing the app on playstore. Link for the app:
Currently working on app which will be soon published.
Uses: This app uses MVVM, integrating wide range of APIs, using google maps, Custom views, UI-driven development, QR code scanners.

Iotech Designs Pvt. Ltd.:

Worked for a startup to build apps that communicate with IoT devices through BLE.

Apps that I’ve made personally (for fun) including the logos.


App that shows daily news fetching data from The Guardian API, you can click on a news to read more, or share it with your friends. Detailed code here


I made this project just for the purpose of learning retrofit, I dynamically queried NASA open API called APOD to display a picture captured by NASA for each day selected from a date-picker. Since retrofit returns a url I used Picasso library to load images. In this app, you can select the day to see that day’s picture. Detailed code here.

