Hi. I am Srishti.
I am originally from a non-tech background and grew up intimidated by programming and all the computer languages. But there was natural inquisitivity in me towards being creative in whatever little things that were assigned to me as part of school/college projects and I usually received praises for that. In my initial years I was driven by the idea to pursue a career that would make the most riches but I was wrong. Being an inquisitive mind I had been carved for a way of life that incites me to always think out of the box. Thats when I decided to shift my career path to android development and other related fields. Probably the best decision I could make for myself, even if it earns me peanuts. I love to talk about my work, I love to meet people from the field. At the end of the day, the satisfaction of creating something amazing out of thin air is unrivalled.

My Forte

  • FireBase cloud messaging
  • Firebase
  • Java
  • Android SDKs
  • Integrating REST APIs
  • Git
  • SVG vector graphics through Inkscape

Currently learning

  • Figma for designing better UX
  • Flutter
  • Advanced Android Development
  • Kotlin